Saturday, June 9, 2012

Reactive Programming Tutorial in Scala + GWT

Reactive programming is quickly gaining popularity with more libraries popping up such as KnockoutJS, EmberJS, JavaFX, C# Rx, Flex, etc. So now that we know what is reactive programming and have deprecated the Observer pattern, it's time to write some code.

Let's look into library written in Scala by Naftoli Gugenheim. I like its support of incremental updates. As Naftoli states: "you can have a set of items transformed it in all sorts of ways and rendered, and when the set of items changes, only the necessary changes will be made to the DOM." Reactive-web has two parts: reactive-core (a general-purpose reactive programming library) and reactive-web (adds reactive-core support to Lift web-framework). You can find a tutorial with live examples on its site.

I've modified some bits of reactive-core (code) to make it work when compiled to JavaScript by Google Web Toolkit (Scala+GWT). Below is the text from the reactive-core tutorial with live examples converted to work with GWT. It means that all those Scala examples are running inside your browser.




EventStream is the central trait in reactive-core, in the sense that everything else is built on it. It provides a functional abstraction over the well-known listener pattern. Rather than using imperative techniques, however, using EventStream you can send or receive events using a more effective abstraction.

It is important to note that reactive does not handle threading implicitly. Events are delivered on whichever thread they are fired, and execution of that thread continues when all listeners have processed the event.

One can think of an EventStream as being similar to a collection of values, except that rather than all values existing simultaneously, each one exists at a different point in time. Keep this analogy in mind, because methods in reactive-core are named like the corresponding methods in the scala collections framework.

Creating an EventStream

Often you will be dealing with EventStreams obtained from a library. However, often you to need to create one yourself. To do this just instantiate EventSource (it extends EventStream). You can then send events by calling fire.

Of course, you also create a new EventStream every time you call one of the transforming methods (below). And there's Timer.


One useful subclass of EventStream is Timer. It fires ticks at a given interval. Ticks' values are based on the time when they are fired, not when they were scheduled to fire.

Adding listeners: foreach

Under the hood EventStream manages a collection of listeners, but that's not how you should think of it conceptually. Conceptually, by adding a listener what you really want is to execute a function for each event fired. In other words, for all values of the EventStream. So, just like when you want to execute a function for all values of a Scala Collection you call foreach, you do the same here. Unlike in the collections, though, foreach returns immediately, and your function is saved to be executed whenever an event fires. (Of course, you can use for-comprehension syntax instead of calling foreach explicitly.)

This begs the question: How will the function, and any references it has, ever be garbage collected (before the EventStream is)? The answer is that EventStream keeps your function inside a WeakReference, thus allowing it to be garbage collected. If so, what stops it from being garbage collected too soon? For that reason you must have an instance of Observing in the implicits scope when calling foreach (and forward). EventStream will place a strong reference to the function inside the Observing object. Then the responsibility of memory lifetime falls on the Observing. The easiest (and often most correct) way to implement this, is to have the enclosing class extend Observing (since it contains an implicit reference to itself).


What makes EventStreams very versatile is their set of transformation methods, which return EventStreams whose events are based on the original EventStream with some modification. You can chain together various transformations to get a EventStream whose event values are very different than those of the original EventStream. This is similar to how you can transform collections: List(1,2,3).map(_ * 10).filter(_ < 25). Consumers of the resulting EventStream don't need to care about how it relates to the original EventStream. Whenever the original EventStream fires an event, the transformed EventStreams may fire their own events that are based on the original's event, according to the transformation. The way this works behind the scenes is that a listener function is added to the "parent" EventStream that simply fires the correct event(s) from the "child" EventStream.

Finer-grained lifetime control: takeWhile

What if you need finer-grained control over your function's lifetime than that afforded by Observing?

Well, recalling the collections analogy, what do you if you want to act upon only part of a collection? Well, there are many ways, but what if you want to process the beginning, stopping when a condition evaluates to true? Of course, the answer is takeWhile. Same here. And just like takeWhile on a collection returns a new subset collection, so to takeWhile on an EventStream returns a new EventStream that will only return events as long as the condition evaluates to true.

You do not need an Observing in scope to use takeWhile. As soon as an event fires in the original EventStream that causes your condition to evaluate to false, it will cease to receive events, and the reference to your predicate function and the new EventStream will be removed.

Idiomatic code should not cause side effects in the predicate; however there's nothing stopping you from doing so if you so desire.

What's the point?

At this point you may be wondering why go through all these hoops? Why not use the regular listener pattern directly, like Swing does?

The short answer is that, while it's a new way of thinking, in the long run it makes life easier. For example, if you take the imperative approach of adding a listener in response to one situation, in one method, and removing it in response to other situations, in other methods, the result is that you have code that manages listeners' lifecycles sprinkled in different places in code. Of course that means it's harder to keep track of. By abstracting over the concept of managing listeners' lifecycles, it becomes possible to program less in terms of what the computer should do next, and more in terms of what you want to happen, resulting in more maintainable code.

However, perhaps the greater advantage, is that we have a general-purpose abstraction called an EventStream that can be transformed and composed. This will become more apparent as you read more about EventStream and about everything that interacts with it and is built on it.

A more focused EventStream: filter

What if you have an EventStream that fires a lot of events but you are only interested in some? You can use filter.

As you have seen, given one EventStream it is possible to derive a new EventStream that is "alive" only until a certain point in time (based on a predicate). There are many more operations that return transformed EventStreams. Most mirror corresponding methods on collections.

For instance, just as one can filter a collection to obtain a new collection that has only those elements that a predicate matches, so too can you filter an EventStream to obtain a new EventStream that fires only those events which the predicate matches.

A completely transformed EventStream: map

Another fundamental collections method is map. It lets you transform a collection by applying any function to each element; in the returned collection, each element will have the value calculated by applying the function to the corresponding element in the original collection.

So too, you can map EventStreams. You pass map a function, and for every event that the parent EventStream fires, the new EventStream will fire an event whose value is the result of applying the function to the parent's event.

Combined filter and map: collect

For convenience, EventStream has a collect method, just like Scala's collections. Just as you'd expect, it takes a PartialFunction that specifies which events to respond to and what event to fire in response.

Switching EventStreams: flatMap

Let's get a bit more advanced now, and apply flatMap to EventStreams.

What does flatMap do in the Scala Collections Framework? In technical terms, it applies a collection-valued function to all elements of a collection, and returns a new collection that consists of all the collections returned by the function concatenated. In practical terms, you can do interesting things like stringing together several sequences, or flattening a sequence of sequences. For instance:

val original = List(1, 2, 3)
val flatMapped = original.flatMap(x => List(x*10,x*10+1,x*10+2))
flatMapped == List(10,11,12,  20,21,22,  30,31,32)

Similarly, by applying the above to the collection-over-time analogy, flatMap allows you to create an EventStream that fires events that are fired by different other EventStreams. Note that no event will be fired until after the first event fired by the parent EventStream is received; then events from the child EventStream will be fired until the next parent event is received, after which new events will be fired as they are received from the next child EventStream; and so on. The simplest usage is to cycle through several other EventStreams. For instance, suppose you want a shape to expand and then fade out.

// Assuming Shape is a case class with scale and opacity values
// and millisTimer fires events once per millisecond, starting
// at zero.
// Scale should animate from 0 to 1 over the first second,
// and opacity should animate from 1 to 0 over the next.
def compositeAnimation(millisTimer: EventStream[Long],
                       shape: Shape): EventStream[Shape] = {
  val scale: EventStream[Double] = => m/1000.0)
  val opacity: EventStream[Double] = => 1 - (m-1000)/1000.0)
  val seconds = millisTimer.filter(_ % 1000 == 0).map(_ / 1000).
    takeWhile(_ < 2000)
  seconds.flatMap {
    case 0 => scale
    case 1 => opacity

Of course, it's possible to return new EventStreams based on the event fired by the parent EventStream.

//assuming seconds fires an integer from 1 to 100 every
//second, incrementally
//we want to reverse each 10: (10,9..2,1, 20..11, 30..21 ...)
seconds.filter(_ % 10 == 1).flatMap{ t => => t + 10 - s)

You can also flatMap a Signal to EventStreams. We'll talk about Signal later.

Passing state: foldLeft

What if you need the way you handle events to depend on various factors, in a way that's more complex than what flatMap allows?

In imperative languages, a common task is to iterate through an array etc., while keeping around a bunch of variables that keep track of various things that can change depending on what you encounter as you iterate over the array. Functional programming often accomplishes such tasks using foldLeft. You pass foldLeft an initial "state," and a function that takes the last "state" and the next element in the collection. The function returns, for each element, what the state should be for the next invocation. (Note that the functional method allows for concurrent implementations, that do not require any modifications to your code). For instance, take the common example of totaling a list of numbers:

list.foldLeft(0){(totalSoFar, nextElement) => totalSoFar + nextElement}
//more commonly written as list.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)

Similarly, you can call foldLeft on an EventStream, and pass it an initial value, and a function that takes a "state" value and an event and returns a new value. You will get back an EventStream that fires the returned value (the same value that will be passed to the next function invocation). we can create an EventStream that, whenever a number is fired, fires the average value:

Combining EventStreams: |

You can also get the union of two EventStreams. The new EventStream will fire all events that either of the original EventStreams fire.

val allClicks = leftClicks | middleClicks | rightClicks

Turning an EventStream into a Signal: hold

You can turn an EventStream into a Signal via the hold method. You have to pass it an initial value for the signal to hold until the next event fires. We'll talk about Signal later.

Preventing infinite loops: nonrecursive

If an EventStream firing can result in that EventStream firing again, you may end up with infinite recursion (in other words, a StackOverflowError). If that is the case, call nonrecursive, which returns a derived EventStream that uses a DynamicVariable (Scala's ThreadLocal) to prevent it from firing recursively.


returns a derived event stream that only invokes it listeners for events that are not equal to the previous event.

Handling events on a different thread: nonblocking

Most EventStreams invoke all their listeners in whichever thread is firing the event, thus blocking it. This can be problematic when handling an event is time-consuming.

Similarly, if a thread fires an event into an EventStream that is is already handling an event from another thread, it will handle the new event on its thread simultaneous with the other event handling already taking place. When handling an event involves a lot of work, this means some of that work may be redundant.

Calling nonblocking on an EventStream returns a derived EventStream that hands off events to an internal actor to process. Thus, only one event will be handled at a time, and the thread firing the event won't block. See below for an example.

Detecting that an event has been superseded: zipWithStaleness

Sometimes, like when you have a long-running, hard-working event handler, you may want to check whether a new event has been fired since the handler began running. Perhaps if one indeed was, you want to short-circuit and skip the rest of the work (maybe because it's superfluous in light of the new event). This may be especially important if you are using nonblocking: since only one event can be processed at a time, things may fall more and more behind schedule. For instance, if processing a mouse click takes half a second, after the user clicks 10 times it will take five seconds for the computer to "catch up" to the user. One solution is to use zipWithStaleness. It will return an EventStream[(T, ()=>Boolean)]. In other words, each event will be a Tuple2 containing the actual event value together with a function. The function returns whether the event has been "superseded."

for((click, isStale) <- mouseClicks.zipWithStaleness.nonblocking) {
  if(!isStale()) doSomeMoreWork()


Things in GWT are a bit different than on JVM. We'll talk about it. But let's finish the tutorial. In the second (and last) part you can learn a more interesting concept - Signal.

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